Code of Ethics

RYD Magazine pays special attention to avoiding three forms of unethical behavior, Falsification of Data, Piracy and Plagiarism.

data falsification
Perhaps the most blatant and easiest to define (although not always easy to detect) form of research misconduct. Falsification refers to the alteration of materials, protocols, data or research results. Falsification is a serious form of misconduct because it results in a scientific record that does not accurately reflect the observed truth.

Piracy and plagiarism
Piracy is defined as the unauthorized reproduction or use of the ideas, data, or methods of others without proper permission or acknowledgment. Once again, fraud plays a central role in this form of misconduct. The intent of the perpetrator is to appropriate the ideas or methods as their own.
Plagiarism is a form of piracy that involves the unauthorized use or imitation of the language and thoughts of others, as well as the representation as your own original work, without permission or acknowledgment by the author of the source of these materials. Plagiarism generally involves the use of others' materials, but can apply to the duplication of previously published results by researchers (this is sometimes called self-plagiarism or duplicate publication).

To resolve these situations, conflicts, and other cases of research misconduct, this journal follows the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.