A conversation among equals for the radicalization of democracy: a review on Roberto Gargarella’s work



Democracies, Public dialogue, Constitutional reform, Counter–hegemony, Utopia, Public participation, Xenofeminisms, Precarity


In his latest publication, El derecho como una conversación entre iguales (2021), Roberto Gargarella traces a fundamental guide to understand why today’s democracies are unable to represent current social demands. Hesustains that the constitutional designs in Latinoamérica have historically displaced People’s self–management of collective conflicts. His genealogical analysis of national and regional institutions reveals that Republics have been rooted in counter–majoritarian values and over fears of popular participation in public affairs. This article seeks to highlight the salient points of Gargarella’s theory and proposes some intersections with contemporary theories on democracies to problematize our current opportunities to re–design present and future life in common.

Author Biography

Paula Sagel, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Abogada, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Magíster en Derecho (LL.M, Cardozo School of Law). Becaria doctoral (CONICET–UBA). Profesora de Derecho Constitucional (UBA). Miembro de la Red de Profesoras de la Facultad de Derecho (UBA).



How to Cite

Sagel, P. (2022). A conversation among equals for the radicalization of democracy: a review on Roberto Gargarella’s work. República Y Derecho, 7(7), 1–22. Retrieved from https://ojs3.derecho.uncu.edu.ar/index.php/revista/article/view/247