Tools for an Economic Analysis of Argentine Private International Law. The Importance of Autonomy, Innovation and Norms



Economic analysis of law, Private international law, Efficiency, Autonomy, Regulation


This article contemplates a poorly treated topic of the legal literature in Argentina: the Economic Analysis of Private International Law.

It analyzes the efficiency and considers legal and economic consequences of regulations in the scenario of technological globalization, placing emphasis on the crisis caused by the COVID–19 pandemic.

It analyzes the Argentine provisions of the Civil and Commercial Code and the judicial decisions arising therefrom, using an interdisciplinary approach,   in order to appreciate the benefits of the study of the rules, their creation or eventual modifications. In this way, it highlights the importance of autonomy as a key factor for innovation, the need for appropriate regulations in order to facilitate strong international relationships. 

Author Biography

Luis María Palma, UNCUYO, UNLaM, Universidad Austral, UNNE, UCCuyo, UCES, UCP.

Abogado (UB). Pos Doctor en Derecho (Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba–PUCPR, Brasil). Doctor en Ciencia Política (UB). Doctor en Sociología (UB). Doctor en Derecho (UNCUYO). Doctor en Derecho Internacional Privado (Universidad Notarial Argentina). Profesor titular en UNCUYO, UNLaM, Universidad Austral, UNNE, UCCuyo, UCES, UCP. Personalidad destacada en el ámbito de las ciencias jurídicas de la Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Presidente de E–Justicia Latinoamérica (Argentina). Presidente Electo de la International Association for Court Administration (EE UU). Director del International Institute for Justice Excellence (Países Bajos).



How to Cite

Palma, L. M. (2021). Tools for an Economic Analysis of Argentine Private International Law. The Importance of Autonomy, Innovation and Norms. República Y Derecho, 6(6), 1–34. Retrieved from