Discourses by the governors of Mendoza: an assessment of provincial politics and democracy, by Bustelo, Gastón


  • Beatriz Bragoni National Council for Scientific and Technical Research CONICET, Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences INCIHUSA.


Governors of Mendoza, Discourses, Beatriz Bragoni


Review by Beatriz Bragoni.

Author Biography

Beatriz Bragoni, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research CONICET, Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences INCIHUSA.

PhD in History. Effective full professor of the Faculty of Law of the National University of Cuyo. Principal investigator of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research CONICET, Institute of Human, Social and Environmental Sciences INCIHUSA.



How to Cite

Bragoni, B. (2020). Discourses by the governors of Mendoza: an assessment of provincial politics and democracy, by Bustelo, Gastón. República Y Derecho, 5(5), 1–4. Retrieved from https://ojs3.derecho.uncu.edu.ar/index.php/revista/article/view/166