M. and others vs. Argentina: a dim light on the road


  • David Gabriel Rodriguez Infante Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Poder Judicial de la Nación.


Rights of children and adolescents, Adult centrism, Perpetual prison, Juvenile criminal justice system, Inter-American Court of Humans Rights


This article makes a critical analysis of the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights “M. and others against Argentina”, which is essential to rethink the juvenile criminal justice system. Based on it, a brief review is carried out of the judicial decisions of the Argentine courts that issued prison sentences / life imprisonment for children prior to the decision of the Inter-American Court. In addition, jurisprudential advances and setbacks on the matter are addressed. Finally, reflections are included, where the criticisms made of the ruling of the Inter-American court are taken up in the light of recent jurisprudence.

Author Biography

David Gabriel Rodriguez Infante, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Poder Judicial de la Nación.

Egresado de la carrera de abogacía de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Diplomado en Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales por la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco y la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos y Pluralismo Cultural. Relator del Tribunal Oral en lo Criminal Federal de Mendoza N° 2.



How to Cite

Rodriguez Infante, D. G. (2020). M. and others vs. Argentina: a dim light on the road. República Y Derecho, 6(6), 1–31. Retrieved from https://ojs3.derecho.uncu.edu.ar/index.php/revista/article/view/146