About the Journal

Focus and Scope

República y Derecho Journal (RYD) is a legal scientific online publication, from the Law School in Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Its purpose is to publish innovative and critical analysis reaching high academic quality standards and legal science investigation. RYD is addressed to academic, researchers, legal professionals in the country and foreigners.

It receives and publishes Spanish and English collaborations: original articles, notes, book reviews and translations from other languages. It also periodically publishes a Dossier with original articles related to a particular subject.

According to Open Science criteria, the Journal publishes in a continuous scheme having the content available for the readers immediately after being positively evaluated pursuant to the established procedure for each section.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Committee reads the original version to ensure compliance to the ethical standards and the absence of plagiarism, as well as the quality of the content.

When the article passes the first instance, the editorial team chooses experts outside the institution with national or international affiliations, specialized on the topics elaborated on each study. The arbitration is double-blinded, that is the study is anonymously sent to two external evaluators specialized in the area for them to evaluate it and resend it to the editorial management. The external evaluators will have a certain period of time (30 days) established by the Editorial Committee to evaluate the article. The expert opinion should evaluate relevance, originality, and academic quality as requested by the journal committee.

External evaluators should weigh relevance, contribution to science, clarity of expression, methodology, conclusions, results and bibliography. Its judgment may indicate: 1- The work is in acceptable conditions. 2- The work may be accepted after some modifications. 3- The work should be rejected.

In case of dissenting opinions, a third evaluator will be asked to give an opinion.

The evaluations will be given back to the author and they will have a period of 20 days to make the requested modifications. The authors will remain unknown to the evaluators.

The Editorial Committee has the ultimate decision of publishing, saving or rejecting the received contributions. This decision is taken under its responsibility, based on the analysis of judgments and its possible disputes. If an issue of ethics or conflict of interests arises, the Editorial Committee can reject any contribution at any stage of the process, including after the evaluation stage. 

In case the author is asked to correct their work, they should consider the suggestions from the evaluators and the Editorial team of the Journal. The authors should commit themselves to modify their work in a period of 20 (twenty) days. When the new modified version is uploaded, the author must send an email to the editors with a copy to revistaryd@derecho.uncu.edu.ar with an attached document describing the modifications. In case of disagreeing send a document with the justification. The result of the evaluation and the decision of the Journal will be notified to the author in a period of approximately 6 months. If this period extends over the stipulated time, the author will be notified the situation the work is in.

Publication Frequency

RYD publishes in a continuous way.

The accepted articles are published individually, integrating a volume altogether with proper contents.

Volumes start in the month of March and finish in November.

Open Access Policy

It is allowed to enter this Journal´s content through a license called Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5 AR.) Public Investigation is important for this Journal, thus it promotes better global sharing of knowledge.

This policy is registered in JSIC / Sherpa Romeo

Evaluation Committee

Alejandro Perotti. Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Alfonso Buteler. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina.

Alberto M. Sánchez. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Argentina.

Pascual Eduardo Alferillo. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Argentina.

Calógero Pizzolo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 

Cecilia Recalde. Universidad Católica Argentina / Asociación Argentina de Derecho Constitucional. Argentina.

Claudia Martin. American University. Washington College of Law. Estados Unidos.

Carlos Massini Correas. Universidad de Mendoza. Argentina.

Estela B. Sacristán. Universidad de Buenos Aires / Universidad Católica Argentina. 

Eugenio Palazzo. Universidad Católica Argentina.

Eduardo Javier Riggi. Universidad Pompeu Fabra /Universidad de Mendoza / Universidad Austral / Miembro del Instituto de Derecho Penal de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

Efraín Hugo Richard. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba / Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba. Argentina.

Gabriela Ábalos. Universidades de Mendoza / Universidad Nacional de Cuyo / Asociación Argentina de Derecho Constitucional / Instituto Argentino de Estudios Constitucionales y Políticos / Instituto de Derecho Constitucional de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Argentina.

Guillermo Yacobucci. Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Guillermo Meléndez Lizarazo. Abogado. Filósofo. Máster Universidad de Alcalá. Docente Programa de Derecho UDI y UMB. España.

Héctor Faúndez Ledesma. Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Jorge Araya. Secretario del Comité de Naciones Unidas sobre Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad. 

Jorge Edmundo Barbará. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina

Juan Bautista Etcheverry. CONICET / Universidad Austral. Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Laura Alicia Camarillo Govea. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. México.

Liber Martín. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo /Universidad de Mendoza /CONICET. Argentina.

Lidia Garrido. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. 

Marcela Basterra. Universidad de Buenos Aires / Consejo de la Magistratura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina. 

María Cristina Alé. Universidad de Mendoza(Argentina). Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt(Oder)(Alemania). 

Mauricio Pinto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Argentina.

Mauricio Boretto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo / Instituto Derecho Empresario Academia Ciencias Sociales Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Mateo Bermejo. Universidad Nacional de San Juan / Universidad Austral. Argentina.

Michele Carducci. Università del Salento. Italia.

Miguel Ángel Ciuro Caldani. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Argentina.

Pablo Garat. Universidad Católica Argentina. 

Patricio Maraniello. Presidente de la Asociacion Argentina de Justicia Constitucional.

Rafael Mariano Manóvil. Universidad de Buenos Aires y miembro de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales.

Patricio López Valentín. Universidad de Mendoza / Instituto Argentino de Estudios Constitucionales y Políticos. Argentina.

Ramiro Dillon. Universidad Católica Argentina y Universidad de Mendoza.

Raul E. Altamira Gigena. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina. 

Raúl Romero. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo /Universidad de Mendoza. Argentina.

Sandra Casabene. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo / Instituto Argentino de Estudios Constitucionales y Políticos. Argentina / Asociación Argentina de Derecho Constitucional. Argentina.

Sergio García Ramirez. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Silvina Baron Knoll. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo /Universidad de Mendoza / Universidad de Congreso / Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina.

Victor Enrique Ibañez Rosaz. Universidad de Mendoza / Instituto Argentino de Estudios Constitucionales y Políticos. Argentina. 

Walter Carnota. Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

República y Derecho journal does not charge authors for the processing of articles. No part of the editorial process results in costs for the authors.

File Preservation Policy

The RYD Magazine files are hosted on dedicated servers within the Faculty of Law of the National University of Cuyo. The server system observes a strict file backup policy that guarantees their long-term persistence.

Code of ethics

RYD Magazine pays special attention to avoiding three forms of unethical behavior, Falsification of Data, Piracy and Plagiarism.

data falsification
Perhaps the most blatant and easiest to define (although not always easy to detect) form of research misconduct. Falsification refers to the alteration of materials, protocols, data or research results. Falsification is a serious form of misconduct because it results in a scientific record that does not accurately reflect the observed truth.

Piracy and plagiarism
Piracy is defined as the unauthorized reproduction or use of the ideas, data, or methods of others without proper permission or acknowledgment. Once again, fraud plays a central role in this form of misconduct. The intent of the perpetrator is to appropriate the ideas or methods as their own.
Plagiarism is a form of piracy that involves the unauthorized use or imitation of the language and thoughts of others, as well as the representation as your own original work, without permission or acknowledgment by the author of the source of these materials. Plagiarism generally involves the use of others' materials, but can apply to the duplication of previously published results by researchers (this is sometimes called self-plagiarism or duplicate publication).

To resolve these situations, conflicts, and other cases of research misconduct, this journal follows the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

Repository Policy

Authors can deposit the version of the work published in the journal and any other previous or later version in institutional, thematic repositories or personal web. No embargo period is required. This repositoty policy, is registered in JSIC / Sherpa Romeo

Journal History

This Journal “República y Derecho” was created after three decades from the foundation of Law School in Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, with the purpose of sharing legal thinking of national and international investigators.

This university Journal is presented to the academic community as a diverse and critical editorial product, sustained on our professional vocation of investigation and debate. We consider Law as a powerful tool to build a juster society.